Friday 10 May 2019

Y9 Homework Portrait

HW1 - 17th May
 Work on the portrait you started in class.  You will have only one class left next week (Monday) and then complete by the end of the week.

HW 2 - 22nd May

Y10 HW Fish and Spring Photos

Y10 you are expected to complete the following for next week. Send a photo for the spring competition to Ms Travers.

Cleo - Artist Mood Board, Response Artist Research & Response
Lily - Response to Native American Mood board, take photos and print up contact sheet and enlargements for Bonchurch
Ella - complete response from fish mood board, enlargements from Bonchurch / Ventnor
Kelsie - photos and drawings of crabs from life
Hannah - Steve Gascoigne photos taken and printed
Skye - Complete Turner painting/drawing
Sam - Len Tabner & Landscape exhibition
Alice - Watercolour painting
Ella M - Enlargements for Steephill Cove and Ventnor
Maddie -  Russell photos & research
Drew - Artist Research Scott & complete responses to Chinese & Native American
Maia - seascape composition ideas
Heather -  Mood board/mindmap Len Tabner artist research and colour copy.
Olivia - Response to Chinese and American fish work