Sunday 12 August 2018

Mind Map Ideas

Take a look at the Art guide website for more ideas for making a successful mind map. Below are some examples to get you started. Part of your summer homework is to create an A3 mind map.

Steps to Creating a Mind Map
  1. Create a Central Idea. The central idea is the starting point of your Mind Map and represents the topic you are going to explore. ...
  2. Add branches to your map
  3. Add keywords. ...
  4. Colour code your branches. ...
  5. Include images.

The Landscape Mind Map below has steps one to 4 - just missing the images. 

Saturday 11 August 2018

Y11 Summer Homework

Over the Summer complete work required to complete your Y9/10 folder.
You are to choose a title from Landscape, Identity, Architecture, Landmarks, Mechanical Objects. 
1.    Title page (optional)
2.    A3 mood board use pinterest to find drawings, printmaking, paintings, photographs, textile art, sculpture and appropriate design work images linked to your title.
3.    A3 artist mood board from the artists listed in the information below and some of your own type the name of the artist under the art work.
4.    Visit a gallery or exhibition and create at least one A3 page based on your visit, collect brochures, take photos, make thumbnail sketches and brief notes about the art work you see and what you thought.
Architecture title - I recommend that you go ‘Thirty’ High Street opposite the Guildhall in Newport as there is an architecture exhibition on only until the 30th July - collect University booklets.
5.    Take at least 24 photos for your title, try to include interesting angles, take photos of the same place or object at different times of day, different position, backgrounds, use compositional guidelines - leading lines, rule of thirds, contrast of colour, texture, light and dark, close ups etc.
6.    Complete at least one artist research page and response.
7.    Produce studies based on your theme experiment with at least 3 different media (pen, charcoal, collage, acrylic paint, watercolour, oil pastel, mixed media.
8.    Use different papers, brown wrapping paper, wallpaper, canvas, cartridge, sugar paper, tissue paper.
a) Manipulate the images you have taken, create photocollages, experiment with a digital manipulation software – download a free app on your phone and experiment with ideas, print up your photos and paint ontop of them or extend them into a drawing.
b) Produce a final outcome either for this title or another outcome for the Y10 Sea project or your Y10 mock exam.
c) Create design(s) for a lino print, silk screen print or foam print based on your theme.
d) 2nd photo shoot take another set of 24 images.
The more you do in the summer the better – You have one term left on your portfolio which is worth 60% of your GCSE.   

Mind Map for The Sea Project Y9 into Y10

This is work that we started in class and will be your first homework back in September.  If you are using an A3 sketchbook it should be one page, if you are using an A4 sketchbook it will go across a double page spread.  You will also be asked to make a title page so leave room.
Wightlink - Pirates might link to Blackgang Chine

You should complete an A3 mind map about The Sea which incorporates Seascapes, Fish, Boats and Harbours.  For ideas on how to create an interesting mind map look at this link from the student art guide.

Steps to Creating a Mind Map
  1. Create a Central Idea. The central idea is the starting point of your Mind Map and represents the topic you are going to explore. ...
  2. Add branches to your map. (Seascape, Boats, Harbours, Beach, Sea Life
  3. Add keywords. ...
  4. Colour code your branches. ...
  5. Include images, thumbnail sketches

The Mind Map on Sea Life is the closest to the idea above in terms of the first four steps listed.  You can do this by hand or on the computer as these examples show.